Emotions are powerful, so is language. Emotions guide perception, attention, memory and decisions making. They challenge or promote health and well-being. Evolutionary, emotions have a physical origin and in line with this, a significant proportion of emotional signals are communicated non-verbally (e.g., by the face, gestures or voice). Nevertheless, in humans specifically language is taking over a pivotal role in conveying emotions by mentally representing emotions and feelings in terms of abstract concepts, the latter being theoretically assumed to be grounded in perception, action and bodily experiences. Scientifically, an “emotion-without-language” or a “language-without-emotion” perspective has been questioned recently by significant empirical evidence in support of a mutual dependence of emotions and language. However, core questions regarding this functional interdependence remain. Open questions pertain to the role of emotions in language learning and its use, which is the key topic of this year’s ERL conference 2023 at Ulm University. This year’s conference is aimed at bridging gaps and crossing borders between disciplines, research methods and interests in the field of basic and applied emotion and language research.
In a nutshell, ERL conference VI 2023 will center on the following core questions:
Understanding the emotions of the language learner: assessment, linguistic markers and interventions
Symposium D / Poster Session 2 / June 14th
Understanding how speaking and using a second language shapes emotion perception, cognition, personality and identity
Symposium C / Poster Session 2 / June 14th
Understanding the neural and mental representation of abstract concepts, their grounding and embodiment
Symposium B / Poster Session 1 / June 13th
Understanding of the role of emotions and their importance for learning and speaking a language
Symposium A / Poster Session 1 / June 13th
For a detailed discussion of the topics see also here.

Contribute to ERL Conference 2023
How to Register
If you want to attend ERL CONFERENCE 2023, you have to register for the conference via our conference management system. The conference system allows safe registration in line with Basic Data Protection Regulations. You can register by clicking on the pink button above “REGISTER & SUBMIT NOW”. This will automatically guide you to the LOGIN. Register as a senior scientist (academic degree: PhD) or young investigator (below PhD) or as student (major/master or minor/bachelor). The conference fees will be automatically chosen according to your status and type of attendance (online vs. in presence).
Special offer to students
Students (major/master or minor/bachelor) are welcome and can attend the conference online for free once registered.
Once you have registered you can specify your conference attendance with or without active contributions.
Attendance and Contribution
Attendance with active contribution
If you want to attend ERL CONFERENCE 2023 actively as a contributor, there are two options. You can choose between an oral presentation (talk) and a poster presentation. Oral presentations are grouped according to the conference topics in terms of symposia A/B/C or D (see topics above). Your talk will be automatically selected for symposia A/B/C or D by the scientific committee. During registration and abstract submission, you can leave a remark for the scientific conference team to state your selection preferences (symposia A/B/C or D, see topics above). We will try to take your preferences into consideration. Oral presentations not associated with a particular topic will be grouped based on thematic similarity by the scientific committee. During registration you can specify at least three keywords when submitting your abstract which will be taken as a grouping criterion.
Poster presentations are grouped according to poster sessions. Poster sessions will be held on both conference days (June 13th and June 14th, respectively). Within a poster session, your presentation will be thematically grouped by the scientific committee according to conference topics (see topics above). During the registration and abstract submission, you can leave a remark to state your selection preferences (poster session 1 or poster session 2). We will try to take your preferences into consideration. Poster presentations not associated with a particular topic will be grouped based on thematic similarity by the scientific committee. During registration you can specify at least three keywords when submitting your abstract which will be taken as a grouping criterion.
Of note
It is principally possible to submit more than one contribution as a first author (e.g., oral presentation and poster presentation), however you cannot submit two contributions as first author of the same type (example: two oral presentations as first author).

In case of multiple authors of one contribution, the conference fees have to be paid by those authors attending the conference.

Submit your Abstracts
Deadline for abstract submission has been extended.
You can submit your abstractS via the conference management system. see button "Register and Submit Now" until May 28, 2023.
We are looking forward to your contributionS!
Oral Presentation / Poster Presentation
For your active contribution to the conference, please submit an abstract. Please be concise. In the abstract of an oral presentation or poster presentation, the authors present their empirical research, methods (quantitative or qualitative) and study design(s), or a novel theoretical framework, model or assumption on a particular topic. Oral presentations (talk) last 15 minutes (12 min presentation + 3 min discussion). Poster presentations will have a similar length and be presented during the poster sessions.
To submit an abstract, a title, the full list of authors including affiliations and an abstract (max. 250 words, incl. references) is required as well as a list of at least 3 key words. You can copy and paste the abstract in the management system. In addition, you will be asked to upload the abstract in PDF file format. You can save a draft and submit later. In addition, you can revise your abstract several times until the end of the submission deadline. Your abstract will be automatically updated by the conference management system.
Active contribution - Online vs in Presence
This year you can attend and contribute in presence or virtually (online via zoom). Poster sessions and contributions to symposia will be grouped according to the type of attendance. More information will follow soon and be announced in the final conference program after the deadline for submission of active contributions has been closed.
Without active contribution
If you want to attend ERL CONFERENCE 2023 without a contribution (i.e., no oral presentation or poster presentation), just register as described above. During registration you can safe your details and ignore the questions regarding active contribution. You can leave a note for the organising team in case of any troubles or questions during registration.
In case of any questions regarding the registration or submission of your conference contributions: please contact us at erl2023@uni-ulm.de
Thank you for your interest and attendance.
We wish you a pleasant conference!

Department of Applied Emotion and Motivation Psychology,
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology
Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Villa Eberhardt, Ulm University within the heart of the city centre
The Venue is located here:
Villa Eberhardt
Heidenheimer Straße 80
89075 Ulm